Prayer Fan

Every Certified Stone Medicine instructor has been trained in more than a massage modality. Most of them have taken crafting courses and ceremonial training courses to help them embrace the Native American traditions that support our work with the stones.

We use these hand crafted items in our massage practice and daily ceremonies to enrich our spiritual practice. If you are fortunate enough to attend a craft class held by one of these highly trained instructors you will experience a modern approach to creating a replica of an authentic sacred item.

We use glue guns rather than pitch pots and roller blades and scissors rather than obsidian knives. The raw materials of wood, feathers, fur and leather are exactly as they were thousands of years ago when our ancestors made these items. You will learn about the ‘medicine’ each animal or bird has to offer.

Before the raw materials are processed for your workshop the instructor will smudge each item and thank Creator for the gifts from Mother Earth. They will make prayer ties and set an altar in the traditions of our people. Each instructor has spent years learning how to offer this humble but powerful ceremony on behalf of those who will attend a workshop.

Your instructor will then hand craft a ‘kit’ of supplies for your course and furnish them as part of your course fees. A portion of your class fee is to cover these materials and the time involved in gathering them as well as preparing them for your use in the course. Our goal is to help you experience the joy of making your own sacred items.

The day is filled with the sounds of laughter at some of the stories shared by your instructor and, possibly, the gentle Native flute music playing in the background will calm and relax you as the day unfolds. Sharing a sack lunch with your new tribe and showing each other your finished results will top off an adventure you won’t soon forget.

Craft courses are not CE approved.

Visit the calendar page to find the next class date and location. Each course listing includes the class fees. For more information on class registration or to host a course at your location contact the instructor or the main office at: